Thursday 16 December 2010

Evaluation Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout the research, planning, production and evaluation stages of our film publicity campaign, we used many different types of technology. Technology has played an extremely important part in the coursework as it has helped me develop greater skills. This has shown through in my blog and the final trailer.

The media technology I found myself using the most was the Mac computers in our media department, as a form of computing during the production of our work. We used Mac computers as they enable us to use programmes and software that would not be available on other types of computers. Macs provided us with much software including Photo-shop that was used to create a magazine cover and poster. Photo-shop has a wider range of tools available when editing something; it produces the best finish result and shows my skills. Windows Microsoft Power Point and word were not used that much, however I still used them at times. Both of these universal software’s were used at different stages from evaluating to analysing. When used they were very useful and they added to the different variety of software used.

Magazine & Poster created on Photoshop (links below) as well as this – the horror title designs-

For the research and planning stages we were glued to our computers/laptops as we got into the habit of blogging on a daily basis, for at least 30 minutes. In order to collect some of our research we used the Internet. This was a huge advantage as we were able to research into the horror genre as a whole, specific horror movies which we wanted to base our film around and lastly all the different conventions of horror film, including sound (music and sound effects), props and settings. We also used the Internet to do a lot of research into synopsis’s, film posters, magazine covers, trailers and teaser trailers. For all of these, we evaluated them which helped us clearly see the step-by-step things we will need to consider in order for our final product to have a professional and realistic finish, however keeping it innovative was always kept in mind.

Link back to blog for Magazine Cover:

Link back to blog for Poster:

Use of Slide share to create evaluation for Magazine Cover:

The structure of our finished products such as the poster, magazine cover and synopsis was easy to conduct because we had the examples from the internet; however everything they consisted of was original and our own work, including the images. In order to grasp onto professional trailer-making skills I analysed many different trailers including Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and Paranormal Activity. This helped us get an idea on where to start with the production of our teaser trailer.

The Internet was also very useful for us as there was a number of Internet websites we had to use. This included You Tube, as we had to find previous trailers and teaser trailers in order for us to share them on our blog and analyse them. This was helpful for my groups trailer because it gave us ideas on what we should do. Other websites we used was Prezi to make different creative slides to get our point across in an interactive way, as well as this we used Slide Share to upload any presentations we made on Microsoft Power Point– Slide Share was very easy to use because all we had to do was upload the video and embed it to get the html code for our blogs. Below I have inserted links back to my blog to show where I have used the websites mentioned above: - Props Prezi - Storyboard - Slide Share - Music Clips for American Psycho and Friday 13thYou Tube

Another important piece of technology we used was a Sony handy cam, without this we would have not been able to film our trailer. Our Sony handy cam came with a tripod that was used whilst filming to keep our shots steady, where appropriate. We also used a digital camera to take images of anything we produced in class; we then transferred the data onto the computers and uploaded the images onto our blogs. - Images we took on the day – Sony Handy Cam

After this, we had to edit the shots we filmed, put them all together and constructed an excellent teaser trailer for our film called 31.10.10. I chose to use Windows Movie Maker because it’s easy to use and navigate around, it has a range of transitions, allows you to add images as well as video, it separates the video and audio for editing and you can add music to the project too.

Overall, media technologies were consistently used throughout the construction of my research, planning and evaluation stages. I used the Internet for a lot of research, used it to update my blog entries, and used the Mac computers to use all the different software’s and the portable technology such as cameras to film our actual trailer.

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