Wednesday 15 September 2010

Concept of Horror Film

During our lesson on the 14th of September, we got into our groups and brainstormed all our ideas about the general concept of a horror trailer. In our brainstorms, we discussed many different aspects of what would be involved with a horror movie. We mentioned what the different locations/setting are? e.g. park, woods, house at night.. What is Horror? e.g. scary. weary, dark, bloody.. Who are the audience? e.g. adults, teenagers.. What type of music/sound is used in Horror's? e.g. non diagetic, diagetic.. What type of props are used? e.g. knifes, chain-saw, blood & costumes.. What influences you towards your horror trailer/movie? e.g. research on other horror movies/trailers and find out what your audience want.. Below is a print screen of the task we carried out:

I carried out some research about 'What is Horror?' and below I have inserted a brainstorm I produced consisting of all the different elements associated with horror:

The Prezi slide I have inserted Below is to emphasize on horror characters a bit further. This shows all the different types of characters which have been used in previous horror films and gives me an idea on characters I can use for my horror trailer. Horror characters either look scary and are scary or they don't look scary at all but play a big part in the horror aspect of the film, for example they may use a cute young girl like in The Orphan but she turns out to be the horror character:

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