Wednesday 15 September 2010

Horror Titles

During Mr Rosen's Lesson, we analysed different film titles displayed on different trailers. From the clues in the film titles, we were asked to evaluate what the image was trying to show. We looked at different styles and fonts, which were used to give us an insight on what the film is about. We were also told to debate on whether images or words are more important.


This font used for Case 39, gives us an idea that the film is associated with ghosts. This comes across through the spooky, glowing and shadowed handwriting they have used. We instantly get the impression that the film falls under the thriller/horror genre.


The title for the film 'Due Date' does not really give the audience an insight on what genre the movie falls under. This is because they have used plain, block capital letters which could represent any type of genre. However, the image gives us the impression that it is a comedy, family film most probably about a pregnancy.


When we look at the title for the film 'Let Me In' we instantly get the impression that it is a horror. This is mainly because the title is in red which, excluding the fact that it is romance because of the words, it is based on a bloody story line.


The title 'The American' gives us the idea that the film is associated with American culture, patriotism, or possibly the American Dream. The image is George Clooney holding a gun which advertises that the film is most likely an action, possibly thriller. In this case, the image is more important than the words as the image advertises what the film is really about.

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