Tuesday 16 November 2010

Organisation of Cameras:

In order to film, it is essential that we have a proper camera with all the right equipment, including a tripod to help us capture and film shots to the best of our ability. The tripod is useful when it comes to still shots and panning. 

It is very important that the camera is kept safe, especially when filming and taking pictures. If not in use, the camera should be in its protective case. It is also important that the camera is always fully charged as it wouldn't be an ideal situation to get to the filming location and then the camera runs out. It is also important to get familiar with the camera by experimenting or just getting advice of a media teacher, incase as I said before, we get to the location and we have a problem using the camera.

Once the filming was all completed, the camera was handed back to the media department so that another group could use it. The camera was fully charged in order not to cause any delays. 

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