Tuesday 23 November 2010

Storyboard - Shots for Trailer

Below is a print screen of our storyboard. The shots in the story board illustrate our concept very well:

  • The first shot is a typical way to start a trailer as it displays the main character 'Jason Shrew' a star. This is a good way to start the trailer as it invites the audience in with a familiar name. This shot is filmed as a close up of the clapper board and the voice over says take 1, the camera then zooms out and the audience see 'starring Jason Shrew'.
  • We then go straight into the film with the second shot of a huge spade and a hand sticking out of the dirt. This is very effective as it immediately tells the audience the film is a horror and people get killed. It already leaves them waiting for the film as they want to know who is holding the spade. The camera tracks this shot as it follows exactly what the spade is doing. The voice over introduces the film a bit more by saying 'In a nice town, we find horror. A vicious killer and then sound effects of the spade digging.
  • The next shot is an image of a child dressed up with her halloween witch outfit. The shot is closed when the screen is covered up with a huge saw (3D effect) - Sound effects in background, possibly a sharp knife sound.
  • The 4th shot invites in our amazing Unique Selling Point 'This Halloween in 3D'. This is effective when trying to sell a movie as 3D movies have become increasingly popular. The voice over will say the line in a deep voice.
  • The next shot is very significant as it is a door with number 31 on it. The camera will slowly move towards the door and zoom into the number 31. This is an important shot as it will introduce the main location where all the horror happens.
  • The next shot is '31.10.10' which is just advertising the name of the film to the audience. The voice over will say 'Embrace yourselves, 31.10.10 coming soon to a cinema near you!'.

  • The first shot on the second part of the storyboard will display all the production details which we will write about in further detail.
  • The second shot introduces house number 31, it's going to be an establishing shot of the town and then the camera zooms in until it gets to a straight shot of the house. The shot is simply to introduce where all the action will take place again, it shows the audience it is somewhere significant in the movie.
  • The third shot will be voices of children having fun and laughing whilst trick or treating on Halloween. This is used to show the audience the movie is filmed as the day of halloween and it will involve children.
  • The shot after that continues the previous shot...
  • The fourth shot is a child in his Halloween outfit outside door number 31. Voice over 'What happens next'...
  • Last shot gives the audience a temping taster of two hands pulling the young boy into house number 31. We don't see a face or anything, just the hands. This leaves the audience wanting to know more which is why they will go and see the movie. Voice over ends the trailer with '31.10.10 3D, don't miss out on the most gruesome movie of the year'.

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